Debriefing Partner

WHO are our clients:

If you want to know more about yourself without oo much commitment, then is a great way to delve into a side of you that you may want to know more about. You are probably curious to continue to develop yourself and want to speak with a coach who is also qualified to run assessments and debrief you on their meaning. 

You are most likely not fearful of uncovering who you are and deepening the learning of who you are to make a greater impact in your life and the life of others. 

WHAT is it:

Debriefing, a facilitator-guided reflection of an assessment report. It is an experience that taps into your thoughts, emotions, and actions, that brings insight to the ‘who am I’ and gives you a direction of where you want to focus on future direction and development. Unlike feedback, which is often a one-way discussion, debriefing is a purposeful, 2-way reflective discussion which is based on experiential learning theory and reflective thinking research. 

What are the benefits of debriefing sessions?

The outcome is your ability to customise your unique personal development action plan that allows you to focus on areas of being and practice.

HOW does it work

  1. Book an appointment on the calendar with me to discover if I am your right choice of coach that will work with you in the coming 6 months. 
  2. Payment prior to commencement
  3. Take an assessment (or more) that meets your needs and provides insight
  4. Schedule your debrief session at a time convenient for you