I care.

I hear you.

I see you.

Because you matter.

When we SHOW UP for ourself and BE the best versions of who we are, WE GIVE PERMISSION to others to do the same and reveal their greatness.

We value your radical inner curiosity and believe in your exponential renewal capacity which are keys to unlock your wholesome presence and prosperity in life.

Our passion is to partner with you on this journey. Help you embody a science-backed self-mastery system and mindset to multiply your success, wisdom, and business results to achieve the unimaginable.

Know more about the Founder and CEO

Irene is a Certified Speaker by the Big Talk Academy, an ICF Accredited Executive Coach, Certified Systemic Team Coach by the AoEC, Certified Advanced Trauma Recovery Coach by the AOTRC, and Certified Jungian Life Coach by the CreativeMind University.

The nature of all our coaching programs is multi-perspective and multi-modality in approach. It delves deep into the ‘core being’ of the person, uses neuroscience of change, complex trauma recovery, Jungian psychology of individuation, universal laws and creative expression.



SIGHTcet coaches embody the wholesomeness of our human nature, the profoundness of our human divinity, and the impactful force of our human infinite potential. These are essential characteristics of a competent coach which manifest as unwavering commitment for those we serve.

We see our clients as equally WHOLESOME, PROFOUND, and IMPACTFUL


Our values are how we show up. It is the compass to how we coach, how we lead, and how we live our life.

  1. Coaching – We commit to a professional quality that encompasses a coaching mindset, competence, capability, capacity, and mastery.
  2. Coherence – We commit to work with the whole human being and the coherence of the mind, body and soul with universal intelligence.
  3. Consciousness – We commit to expand and deepen awareness and perception of ourselves, our families, our community, and our environment.
  4. Compassion – We commit to being humane, kind, compassionate and respectful toward others.
  5. Creativity – We commit to unlock and expand our imagination, creative expression and uncover the best way to think about creating life with our clients.
  6. Courage – We commit to take bold steps and find ways to make our biggest, deepest, most sincere dreams a reality with our clients.
  7. Connection – We commit to develop social and multi-cultural connections and community building.
  8. Curiosity – We commit to experience wonder, stimulate discovery, broaden our exploration, and bring new awareness to our reality.

We set our sight to identify, regard, and focus on our being as we make dream goals reality.

We are endlessly curious to become our highest version of ourselves.

We are humble and grateful to appreciate life’s blessings but always hungry to be more, serve more, and achieve more.

Everything is transformable and there is always a path forward.

Success is 95% mindset and 5% strategy.

Self mastery is the highest form of intelligence. 

We are wonderfully made, created in God’s image.

We are embodied perfect souls living in the material world.

We are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole human beings.

We are infinitely and perfectly abundant beyond measure.

We are a mosaic masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously.

We have within us magical energy that is in constant motion.

Our mission is to raise the level of consciousness and empower soul-led leaders and entrepreneurs who endured significant-life setbacks to thrive and create the unimaginable.

A Coach for Every Life

SIGHTcet is The Self-Mastery Coaching Institute for organisations, teams, and individuals who desire to master the science and art of deep and lasting inner transformation allowing them to live a prosperous and fulfilled life.

Research and practice are embedded in the fabric of everything we do.

‘Self-Mastery is the Highest Intelligence’

Our legacy is one of thriving souls, transformed lives, and prosperous futures.

We empower you to be on a path of radical renewal.

‘From Loss to Legacy’

Certified Trauma Recovery Coach
Certified Speaker by the Big Talk Academy

“If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” Maya Angelou

Psychometric assessments and methodologies we use…